Changes to value-added tax in 2021: how will cross-border trade change, waiting for VAT recovery on bad debts, etc.
In the shadow of the state of emergency caused by the coronavirus and Brexit, the amendments to the Value-Added Tax Act, which were to come…
At a time when increasingly more employees are coming to agreements with their employers to switch from an office setting to a home office environment,…
Need help communicating with the Finnish tax authorities?
This article was published in newspaper Äripäev on 4-th of December 2020. Need tax or legal assistance in Estonia? Leinonen helps! The accounting and consulting…
2020 Estonia´s TOP 2 accounting provider: Quick Response Speed Has Been Vital
This article was published in business newspaper Äripäev in 26.11.2020 Kaire Rebane, CEO of Leinonen OÜ, commenting on the achieved second place position, stated…
Kirjanpitäjien TOP-listan toinen: reagointinopeus on ollut elintärkeää
Tämä artikkeli julkaistiin yrityslehdessä Äripäev 26.11.2020 Leinonen OÜ:n toimitusjohtaja Kaire Rebane totesi saavutetusta toisesta sijasta, että hyvät tulokset saavutetaan vain hyvän tiimin ansiosta ja kyvystä…
2020 Christmas donations go to children and families in need
Every year we have been happy to spread the Christmas feeling to all our clients and partners with special Leinonen gifts. As the year 2020…
Teleworking: potential savings for employers?
Following this year’s coronaspring, teleworking (incl. use of home office) has become the new normal for a number of employees. The first wave of the…
Decisions for October – suspend contributions to the second pillar or continue saving up?
When the coronavirus crisis hit in the spring, the Government of Estonia decided to suspend its payments into the second pillar. Before that, the people…
Please be aware that replacing a company car can lead to unexpected taxation
According to the special company car taxation rules in Estonia, the employer’s enabling use of a car (category M1 or M1G) for activities not related…