Conversion of share capital from EEK to EUR

The conversion of the share capital does not take place automatically and should be initiated by the company.

In order to make the conversion of share capital for companies easier, we have compiled a manual to guide you step-by-step overview of the process:

  1. Determine on the euro converter the values of shares in euros. You can find easy calculator here and here
  2. Alter in the Statute of the Company held the amount of shared capital from EEK to EUR. The number of votes (for example, every 1 EUR share carries one vote) should be changed as well. At the end of the revised Statute should be written: “Redaction of the Statute is approved on <Statute revision date> date.”
  3. Shareholders must adopt a decision of the meeting to amend the capital in compliance to the number of shareholders
  4. Enter with ID card into Company Registration Portal:
  5. Click on the name of the company and the start amending entry statement
  6. Change: change capital – enter the previously calculated amount in EUR; the share capital currency – select Euro. Save Changes. The next choice appears: „Download data from commercial register of shareholders“. Edit the data. Check accordance of shareholders and the capital. If the amount of the share capital is compatible with actual amount – choose return to enter the data of entry application
  7. Change the Statute. Add the Statute as a file and add the date of amendment of the Statute
  8. Add the document: Shareholders / Board / Executive Board / General Meeting decision or protocol, etc.
  9. Click: check the entries in the petition and confirm
  10. Sign digitally
  11. Pay the state fee
  12. Send the application for entry processing.

If you have any questions or you need assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us.

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