Company Establishment

It’s important that your new Finnish enterprise gets off on the right foot. That means making sure you choose the right type of business and that all the correct forms are considered and fees are paid. We can handle that for you. We’ll also help you to secure appropriate workspace and onboard local staff.

Starting a Business in Finland

Finland is generally considered a friendly environment for all types of business. Still, for foreign business owners hoping to set up a company or branch here, there are some very real challenges. These include registering property, setting up a corporate bank account, negotiating contracts, and dealing with construction permits, among other things. If you want to ensure that the process of company establishment in Finland is as smooth and hassle-free as possible, make sure you get in touch with Leinonen early on. 

Company Establishment in Finland Made Simple

Leinonen was established in Finland more than 30 years ago to free our clients from processes that typically take up more than their fair share of company resources. We allow businesses to simplify their operations, saving precious time and money that can be reinvested in the business to spur growth. 

Establishing a company in a foreign country, even one as business-friendly as Finland, can require massive amounts of time and capital. However, when you enlist Leinonen’s company establishment services, your entry into the Finnish market will be quick and your enterprise, regardless of its type, will be able to hit the ground running.

The Benefits of Working with Leinonen

When it comes to establishing a new company in Finland, you can go it alone or you can work with Leinonen. Our company establishment services are very user-friendly and will ensure your new enterprise has a solid foundation to grow on. When you partner with Leinonen, you can expect to enjoy the following benefits:

  • Convenience: The most complicated parts of opening a company in a foreign country will be handled by us.
  • Efficiency: You will be amazed at how quick and simple we make the entire company formation process.
  • Reliability: We have more than 30 years of experience. You can rest assured the work we do on your behalf will stand the test of time.
  • Cost-effectiveness: The efficiency and effectiveness of our services are likely to save you a significant amount of money compared to setting up a foreign company in Finland all by yourself.
  • Transparency: There are no secrets when you work with us. Transparency is at the core of everything we do.
  • Confidentiality: Your confidential company information will be safe and secure during every phase of the setup process.

Contact Leinonen

Company establishment in Finland doesn’t have to be a hassle. Talk to Leinonen today and find out how easy it can be.

Get in Touch

    +358 9 5868 410