
Do You Have To Prepare CbC Report?
There is a new requirement from OECD towards those multinational companies with yearly group revenue over EUR 750 million. It is called Country-by-Country Report, and…
Practice: Advance Payment And Proforma Invoice In Hungary
A returning question from our clients: how should they administer the prepayments made by their customers? If we receive payment from our customer before we…

Leinonen Hungary Has ISO Certified Management System
3 years after the first audit in 2014, Leinonen Hungary renewed the certification of its management system according to the latest ISO 9001:2015 standard. The…

JVA Business Lunch With Mr. Mihály Varga
We attended a business lunch organised by JVA where Mr. Mihály Varga, Minister for National Economy held a speech and described the current economic trends…
Decreasing Taxes In The Proposal For 2018
The official proposal of tax laws for 2018 include various amendments, such as the special tax of SMEs drops from 14% to 13%, the health…
Opening business in Hungary? It’s cheaper now!
Since March 2017, the registration of a new kft (Ltd) at the court is free of charge. It means that the founders can establish the…
Leinonen Hungary: New Member of JVSZ
We proudly announce that Leinonen Hungary joined the Joint Venture Association, a 30 years old local organisation of mainly international companies. We think that this…
Announcement: Acquisition In Norway
Press release 14.2.2017 Leinonen Group continues strong growth strategy and strengthens its position by acquisition of Norwegians Resultat Compagniet AS This acquisition strengthens the business…
Important: Buyer’s Tax Number On The Invoice
As from January 2017 there is change in the invoicing rules. Until now the seller’s tax number must always have been on the invoices. But…