
Details Of The Measures Vol. 1
There are several points in the second economic aid package that have direct or indirect impact on the operation of the businesses. We highlight them…
Public Movement Restrictions
Update: the movement restrictions are extended until further notice. The government issued a decree to restrict the movement in the whole country. It is not…
Hoping for the best, preparing for the worst – a business guide to surviving the corona pandemic
A healthy economy is the lifeblood of a nation, but in a situation where borders are closed, events cancelled and socialising heavily curbed, many industries…
Key Government Decrees To Date
Here we share with you the original decrees of the Hungarian government about the economic measures realated to the current emergency. You can find the…
Labour Law – Special Regulations
In this post, we shortly describe the special regulations in force during the emergency due to the pandemic. The package published on 18 March made…
Labour Law – The Normal Regulations
There are no exact rules in the Hungarian Labour Code for the case of pandemic. First, we give you a summary about the most common…
Minimum wages are defined – raised – year by year, compensating the inflation and the average increase of salaries in the previous year. There are…
Cheaper Euro Transactions From Now On
A new EU legislation on cross-border euro transactions came into force on 16 December, which will lower the cost of payments in Euro for consumers…

Why should my business outsource accounting services?
Being a business owner or a manager for your company can sometimes mean you are the one keeping an eye on everything. Being responsible for…