Company Establishment

Before you can start thinking about securing office space and hiring local staff you need to make sure you have established the right type of company. The team at Leinonen can help. We make sure all appropriate documents are filed with relevant agencies.

Company Establishment in Kazakhstan

If your business plan includes company establishment in Kazakhstan, you need to receive the very best guidance and advice. Together with our law partner we provide assistance with every aspect of the process and help you minimise the risks associated with founding a new company or expanding into a foreign market. When it comes to carrying out the necessary registrations, we will help you get on your feet as quickly and effectively as possible.

Company Establishment in Kazakhstan Made Easy

Are you planning to establish a Limited Liability Company? Or are you planning to set up a local branch or representative office in order to trade directly in Kazakhstan? In any case, you need to receive advice on the local rules and requirements. Our company establishment services can help guide you in setting up a foreign legal entity, filing necessary applications, opening bank accounts and whatever else is necessary to facilitate the establishment of your company in a way that will stand the test of time and regulatory scrutiny.

Leinonen Kazakhstan cooperates with CONTINENTAL Law Firm in order to provide a high quality law- and accounting services portfolio to those companies already working in and to those wishing to enter the Kazakhstani market. Together we are able to provide clients turn-key solutions for entering the market and ensure a smooth experience in solving any accounting and law related matters.

Why Work with Leinonen in Kazakhstan

The professionals in our Kazakhstan office are attentive to customer needs, helpful, informative, and dedicated to ensuring your success in the Kazakh market. We offer a high quality of service, and our Finnish management provides a Western approach to business. We tailor our approach to meet the particular needs of the client and offer flexibility and a variety of pricing models. 

Reliable Company Establishment Services

The benefits of our company establishment services that we deliver together with CONTINENTAL Law Firm in Kazakhstan are many and include:

  • Cost-effectiveness
  • Time savings
  • Organisational expertise
  • Advice about Kazakh laws and regulations
  • Knowledge of the local market
  • Assistance with submission of documents
  • Personalised customer service

Advice and Assistance You Can Trust

If you are wondering how to open a company in Kazakhstan, step 1 is to have a reliable ally in your corner who can guide you through the process. Leinonen have more than 30 years of experience providing expert financial, tax and legal advice and assistance to international businesses large and small. We can help ensure your Kazakh enterprise is established in a timely fashion and is in compliance with all local laws and regulations. Get in touch today to learn more.

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    +77 000 805 788