January 13, 2016

Tax news 2016

• One due date rule has been established for tax payments and declarations – by the 15th day of the respective month, except VAT, which…

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January 13, 2016

Smart Tax Administration System (I.MAS) – 7 subsystems

I.MAS will consist of 7 subsystems:1. Smart cash register subsystem (i.EKA) – taxpayers will be obliged to provide information to the tax authority on cash…

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January 13, 2016

Declaration on Compliance of Packaging

The procedures shall be applied to all empty packaging and packaging filled with goods placed on the market, except for the packaging filled with goods,…

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January 13, 2016

Social security tax – additional voluntary transfer to pension funds

Therefore, the companies will have to deduct from the salary the following social security contributions:• 9% (standard tax rate applied to employees who did not…

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December 15, 2015

3 essential factors for the successful performance of inventory obligations

The said obligation is enforced in the Law on Financial Accounting of the Republic of Lithuania, indicating thereof that accounting data are based on the…

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October 23, 2015

Recognition of expenses according to cash receipts

threshold of EUR 100 on acquisition of goods or services that could be recognised as costs by cash receipts; threshold of EUR 150 (including VAT)…

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October 23, 2015

Easier debt recovery using PLAIS system

The system centralises administration of information on monetary fund restrictions, sends information to banks on restrictions orders and proportionally distributes funds to creditors. Previously a…

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September 16, 2015

Reverse-charge VAT

Reverse-charge VAT is applied on goods bought together with installation services. It must be noted that this applies only in cases when such goods are…

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March 13, 2015

Decisions of European Union Court of Justice

09 October 2014 ECJ Case C‑492/13 (Traum EOOD) – The ECJ spoke up that the tax administrator cannot preclude granting a VAT exemption in respect…

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