e-address -digital mailbox on the state portal

An e-address for natural and legal persons is a digital mailbox on the state portal www.latvija.lv. It provides the opportunity for state institutions to communicate with these persons electronically in a unified and secure environment. An e-address creates an opportunity for companies and individuals to receive and send official correspondence in a safe, reliable, and convenient way, regardless of their physical place of residence in Latvia or abroad.

According to Latvian legislation, all legal entities shall register their e-address by the 1st of January 2023.

There are two options to use an e-address:

  1. By creating an e-address on the state portal Latvija.lv;
  2. By integrating the solution into the company’s internal document management or record-keeping system if the company has it.

What is needed to create an e-address?

To create and use an e-mail address on the Latvija.lv portal, you will need:

  • computer or smart device,
  • Internet connection,
  • electronic identification tool:

·      eID card with a smart card reader or Signature card for companies (entrepreneurs) or

·      mobile app eParaksts mobile or

   ·      eIDAS.eID (issued by these countries).

NB! For activating the official e-address account, authentication with a bank user account is not possible!

If you don’t have any of mentioned identification tools, read the “foreigner’s eID” article!

How to create an e-address?

  • on the state portal Latvija.lv, click on the “Create your e- address” banner on the left side, then press the “Create e-address” button;
  • make sure that the section “For entrepreneurs” is active in the identification window;
  • authenticate and follow the instructions;
  • familiarize yourself with the specified information and enter your e-mail address to receive notifications about incoming messages to the e-address.

After e-address registration, you will be able to access your legal entity’s e-mail address in the “My workplace” section of the Latvija.lv portal (in the upper right corner of the Latvija.lv portal). In the authentication window, select the “Legal person” tab.

The e-address user (signatory person in the company) can nominate another user to access company’s account in his official electronic address account, indicating the name, surname, and personal code of this user and the scope of access rights (view or send electronic documents, contact), as well as revoke the access rights granted to another user, for example, for the clerk to manage the company’s e-address.

Need help or have any questions left? Leinonen Latvia team can help you!

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