
We do all the necessary bookkeeping and reconciliations so that you can easily get an overview of the companies’ financial situation.

Accounting from A to Z in Norway

We believe that good communication between an adviser and a client is the most important thing in cooperation and do our best to ensure that it works well both for you and for us. Our advisers do accounting and payroll from A to Z for all types of companies. We take care of all the necessary reporting to The Norwegian Tax Administration and send you reports from Tripletex. We choose the package that suits you best and set up all the necessary integrations.

What we do

Our experienced advisers provide you with full-scope bookkeeping and payroll. In practice, this means:

  • Bookkeeping of all incoming and sales invoices
  • Bookkeeping of bank transactions and reconciliation
  • Reporting
  • Reconciliation of VAT, employer’s national insurance contributions, withholding tax deductions and holiday pay
  • Preparation and submitting of tax returns and annual accounts
  • Preparation and submitting of the shareholder register statement
  • Submitting of A-report (“A-melding”) and sending payslips to employees
  • Preparation and sending of a compilation report (“sammenstillingsoppgave”) to employees each year

In-house or external accounting

Accounting is an important pillar for all companies. We like to say, “Numbers don’t lie”. The figures provide a full overview and enable the managing director to make strategic decisions. If you are a managing director of a medium-sized company, it may be a good idea to consider whether you need a full-time accountant at an external accounting firm. Did you know that 95 % of Norwegian companies have less than 20 employees? This means that for most companies in Norway, it will be reasonable to use an accounting firm rather than a full-time employee because the workload is usually not enough for an in-house accountant.  

“Can an external accountant have expertise in my industry and how to do bookkeeping in my company?” is a fair question. Our advisers have a lot of experience in different industries and legal structures. Because of that, we can quickly figure out your situation, go through your accounting, and establish new routines so that the collaboration feels great for you. We are confident that we will find the best solution for you and your company.

Our advisers have high ethical standards, and we follow the Norwegian accounting law (“bokføringsloven”). We work only with those who understand the importance of Norwegian laws and regulations.

Get in Touch

    + 47 919 05 058