How Polish electronic signature system (ePUAP) helps to communicate with public administrations?

As the world is slowly adapting to a more digital environment, more countries are coming up with solutions for secure digital transactions and verification of identity. Poland is one of those countries, and their solution is the Electronic Platform of Public Administration ServicesePUAP. This system was introduced by Polish government in the late 2000’s and is mainly used for public service transactions such as e-tax filing and e-healthcare.

In ePUAP, the user´s secure electronic identity is identified and verified through the online identification and authentication process. After the verification process is completed, the user will be able to perform electronic document signing using the ePUAP system. The signature is a digital code that is tailored to the user’s information and is unforgeable, ensuring the highest levels of security.

It’s also possible to register a company profile in ePUAP with the help of the private account, and use the ePUAP portal for communication with the administration or signing the documents. 

Additionally, this system is also used to:

  • submit annual tax declarations
  • register for healthcare plans
  • submit many other forms to public institutions.

Other government online services are also available when establishing a business in Poland. You can register your business online, through It is a ‘one stop shop’ procedure – this means you can complete all formal procedures on one website they will inform the Social Insurance Institution (ZUS) and the tax office that you are starting a business.

These services include the Central Registration and Information on Business (CEIDG), that is used for registering a one-person business activity (sole traders).

A limited liability company, general partnership or limited partnership can be set up in two ways: traditionally – in the form of a notarial deed, or via Internet, on the S24 portal. However, online method applies only to simple companies – the shape of the articles of association is defined in a ready template, the provisions of which cannot be changed.

In conclusion, the ePUAP system together with other governmental online services are essential for any foreigner that wishes to establish a business in Poland. This system is secure, fast and reliable, making it easy and convenient to perform transactions with public institutions. ePUAP also improves the security of digital documents and electronic signatures, helping to facilitate an increasingly digital world.

Whether you plan to open a joint stock company, a representative office, or a Limited Liability Company in Poland, we can help you on every step of the way. Read further from our website how we can simplify your business in Poland:

More details can be found:

About ePUAP-

Main services related to the National Court Register:

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