Company Establishment

We have more than 10 years of experience on the ground in Sweden and have helped scores of foreign businesses gain a solid foothold in the Swedish market. Before you decide to handle company establishment yourself, contact Leinonen and discover how we can help.

Starting a Company in Sweden

Setting up a foreign-owned company in Sweden is not the simplest task. Securing a company registration number in Sweden, onboarding key foreign staff, finding and securing an office, retail or manufacturing space and interacting with the Swedish tax agency are all time-consuming but essential parts of the process. A mistake with one of those, or any other aspects of the process, could set you back weeks or months and cost you a lot of money. That’s the bad news. The good news is that Leinonen’s company establishment services in Sweden exist to help foreign entrepreneurs and others looking to create a stand-alone enterprise on Swedish soil.

Leinonen’s Company Establishment Services in Sweden

For more than 30 years, we have been helping businesses simplify their operations while establishing themselves in foreign markets. We have offices in more than a dozen countries in Northern and Eastern Europe, including Sweden, and have assisted the entry of many new businesses into those countries. Our mission is to take on difficult, time-consuming business processes from our clients thereby enabling them to cut costs, save time and make their operation more efficient.

Sometimes that means partnering up from the beginning and helping them establish a brand new company in Sweden. In that case, we help with everything from residency permits, to visas, obtaining a business registration number, negotiating contracts with suppliers, procuring office or industrial space and even hiring staff. Before they are halfway through, most of our clients wonder why they ever considered working without us.

Additional Benefits

Other benefits of our company establishment service include:

  • Dependability: We have more than 30 years’ experience helping people just like you.
  • Efficiency: You will save a large amount of time compared to establishing the company alone.
  • Cost-effectiveness: Since time is money, you’ll save a large amount of money too.
  • Accountability: We base our work in Western business principles of accountability.
  • Confidentiality: Your confidential information is secure with us.

No Need to Work Alone

The ultimate success or failure of your Swedish operation will depend in large part on the foundation on which it’s built. When you enlist Leinonen to help you with company establishment in Sweden, you can be sure that foundation will have lasting integrity.

Contact Leinonen

Before you take steps to establish a company in Sweden, talk to Leinonen. We can make it a whole lot easier and more cost-effective for you. Get in touch with us today.

Get in Touch

    +46 737 538 669