Military registration of women: what employers should consider

Women must register for military service from October 1, 2022 (Order of the Ministry of Defense dated February 7, 2022 No. 35 “On Amendments to the Order of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine dated October 11, 2021 No. 313”). The legislation does not provide for a deadline for women to be registered in the military.

The Ministry of Defense approved the list of specialties and/or professions related to the relevant military accounting specialties, after obtaining which women are taken on the military accounting of conscripts, by order No. 313 dated 11.10.2021.

Articles 210, 210-1 of the Code of Ukraine on Administrative Offenses regulate responsibility for violations of military record keeping. However, fines will not be applied until the end of 2022, as this period is considered transitional.

Currently, there is no separate procedure for enlisting women in the military. Therefore, the regulations of the CMU resolution “On approval of the Procedure for the organization and maintenance of military records of conscripts and conscripts” dated 07.12.2016 No. 921 will probably apply to women.


Employers will obliged to:

• hire only those employees who have submitted documents stating that they are on military registration;

• to send to the relevant territorial recruitment centers (TRCs) a notification about the change in the registration data of conscripts who have been hired or dismissed, within a seven-day period;

• ensure the completeness and reliability of the registration data of conscripts, as well as interaction with the TRCs;

• periodically check the identity cards of conscripts with entries in military tickets and certificates of registration at conscription stations;

• inform conscripts that they are called to the TRCs, and ensure their timely arrival at the TRCs;

• enter information about changes in registration data into the personal cards of conscripts and notify the TRCs about these changes;

• compile and submit lists of citizens to be registered at conscription stations (if available) by December 1 every year;

• draw up documents for the reservation of conscripts for the period of mobilization and wartime;

• to inform the TRCs about citizens and officials who violate the rules of military accounting, in order to bring them to justice;

• keep a record of the results of checks on the state of military records of conscripts, check their registration data with the data of the TRCs.

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