
Tax cards for 2016
A new year has started and the Finnish Tax Administration has yet again sent new tax cards for every person aged 15 or older. The…
Annual Account and Taxation days 2016
Association of Finnish Accounting firms holds their annual Account and Taxation days in 18th and 19th of January 2016 in Finlandia Hall in Helsinki. Leinonen…
Staff education and recreation expenses in bookkeeping
Are you thinking about organizing education or recreation day for you employees? We have gathered few things to take in to consideration before organizing these…
Fringe benefits 2016 in Finland
Fringe benefits are other than monetary compensations given by the employer to the employee as a compensation for work. These types of benefits are often…
Christmas presents for staff
Christmas is soon upon us and people are busy at making Christmas preparations and purchasing gifts. Remembering the company staff with a minor gift is…
Taxation of 2016
The taxation of 2016 is going to see some changes, which the ministry of finance has justified by the deficit of government economy and the…
Subordinated loan in bookkeeping
Current procedure on handling subordinated loan in bookkeeping is that it is presented in the foreign equity section as its own instalment. The working committee…
Bookkeeping demands for small and micro entities
The second news about changes in Finnish Accounting Legislation is about new demands for small and micro firms. Finnish bookkeeping act reform allows small- and…
“Think small first” principle
Finnish bookkeeping act will be reformed according to the requirements set by EU directive 2013/34. Finnish entrepreneurs will be required to carry out the necessary…