Zhytomyr region most comfortable for doing business in Ukraine according to study

The Zhytomyr region was chosen the most comfortable for doing business in 2020 in Ukraine. The top 4 ratings also include Chernihiv region, the city of Kiev and Rivne. Vinnytsia and Ivano-Frankivsk regions scored the same number of points and shared the 5th place in the rating.

The results are from the “Regional Doing Business” study by the analytical center Office for Effective Regulation (BRDO). The rating is carried out on the basis of a survey in accordance with the adapted Doing Business methodology of the World Bank.

The last places in the ranking of 2020 were occupied by the Kiev region (studied separately from the capital itself), the Luhansk region (more accurately, the city of Severodonetsk), Kharkov region, Kherson, Khmelnytsky and Nikolaev.

“Promoting the reform of decentralization provides new opportunities for local government. The way in which authority is exercised often has a decisive influence on the kind of government service local entrepreneurs receive. It often depends on local government whether the adopted reform laws will be implemented, ”said Alexey Dorogan, Executive Director of the BRDO Effective Regulation Office.

The rating is determined by the sum of points scored by the regional center in six components: starting a business, paying local taxes, registering a land plot, connecting to the electricity grid, obtaining building permits and electronic services.

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